The People vs Labyrinth

The People vs Labyrinth

In which we bow to the Goblin King.

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

This episode has it all. An exotic guest star, talk of glitter poop, mispronounced words, teasing about mispronounced words, a vulgar outburst from Vickie in response to the teasing about mispronounced words, confusion between Eddie Murphy and Meryl Streep, AND *deep breath for emphasis and the fact that this list is way too long* Bowie.

I’m not gonna lie, it was fun to record and we can only hope that translates when you listen, because sometimes you just had to be there and Sarah’s editing skills are meh.

We’re still floundering on Twitter. Feel obliged to find us there and show us the ways of this ‘verse of which we understand little. Show us some love through reviews. Vickie says 5 stars or don’t bother, Sarah isn’t so picky.

We still dream of seeing #yatrash #yanasty so, make it happen, people!

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Sarah Arp