The People vs Monty Python

The People vs Monty Python and the Holy Grail

In which we taunt you a second time.

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

Monty Python virgins embark on a mission to make fresh commentary on a classic. You’ve heard the jokes and references before, but you haven’t heard our take on it. Insights such as “That was hilarious!” “I laughed.” “I had heard that joke before.” await you.

I kid, mostly.

We enjoyed the viewing and go on several tangents (and tangents to our tangents) as we aspire not to give you a play-by-play of a movie you have surely seen. Because every time we say we haven’t, we are met with shock, awe, and sometimes a touch of hostility that is neither wanted nor warranted, thank you very much.

This is the second to the last episode we will be spending with Cult Classics, and unless something drastic happens, it looks like we’ll be covering Modern Shakespeare next.

Do you have a fave take on the bard? Inbox us and we’ll try to get to it!

Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter.

Oh, yeah, we have a twitter. And we know how to use it. Kind of. In theory.

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Sarah Arp