Season 2 Episode 8


This week a lot of shit goes down. Buckle up, it's a wild ride.

Joe and Sarah got married. And that's all there is to say about that.

Mutiny holds its first ever meet-up picnic to bring users together. It's like Community IRL.

Cameron and Tom are falling out of sync, not quite on the same level as Cameron seems out of sorts when faced with Mutiny's base as mostly non-gamers. Although to be fair, Gamers were the least likely group to show at a social gathering, amirite?

Gordon continues to spiral mentally into a dark, paranoid place.

Joe has a Hello, darkness, my old friend moment before clubbing in all white while on MDMA. As you do.

And then the show takes a dark turn as we learn why Jacob was super chill with Cameron giving his purchase the finger. and HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS.

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Sarah Arp