Season 3 Episodes 9 & 10

Chaos/The Aftermath (0309/0310)

This week is another double episode. And a LOT happens, you guys.

Jimmy gets a baby Peanut. Zara experiences the full spectrum of human emotion. And the two of them HAVE THE IT FACTOR AND WE SHIP IT.

Philip puts his sad moves on Geraldine and the ick factor is strong with this one.

Nina and Adam are still happening, but no to the extent that Billie wants it to be. (Oh, yeah, Billie's back) And Nina and Patrick are happening, less than we'd hoped.

Also, Cherie wants a baby, but not how you might think.

Major movements in the end of season 3, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...

We're on Insta! Meme Monday, clips, and bts pics of the Drama Mamas? It's all there. @dramamamaspod

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Sarah Arp