Who are these Mamas?

Vickie and I are the best of friends in spite of our innate RBF. We met through our respective significant others on my (Sarah’s) wedding day, but didn’t hit it off. Hey, it was a busy day, gimme a break. Years, and that is no exaggeration, later we saw a Hunger Games movie together because I have a sick need to bring my casual acquaintances together to see if I can amass close friends to mourn me when I’m gone. She said yes and showed, and the rest is history.

We don’t always agree 100%, but have enough respect for one another and perspective from which we each approach life that we get by. We’ve bonded over shared affinity for shitty tv, communicating exclusively in memes, YA novels, of course, drama.

One day Vickie was like, “Hey, let’s do a podcast.”

And here we are.