The People vs Heathers

The People vs Heathers

In which we ask the real question: What is your damage, Heather?!

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

All work and no play, makes Christian Slater a serious weirdo. This week, we dive into the iconic dark comedy revered by tens of hundreds of people. Maybe more. But if so, we wager those masses haven’t given it a watch recently with a keen eye.

Half of the Drama Mamas recalled this movie fondly, with hazy recollections of enjoyment. The other half with nausea-inducing hatred. In any case, we find common ground and enjoy picking the film apart.

We feel like Heathers could be a note of discord between our listeners and ourselves. After listening, did you disagree with us? Did you find our remarks offensive and lacking in deeper thought? Let us know!

Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter.

Oh, yeah, we have a twitter. And we know how to use it. Kind of. In theory.

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Sarah Arp