The People vs 10 Things I Hate About You

The People vs 10 Things I Hate About You

Millenials rejoice! This is the movie we used to convince you to vote for Shakespeare, then bait and switched with a bunch of other shit we all had to suffer through to get here!

We join Kat Stratford as she pretends, rather unconvincingly, to not swoon over Patrick Hunka-hunka-Aussie-love Verona. This take on the Taming of the Shrew is drastically more palatable in it’s early 2000’s teen movie glory, than the original which is much more problematic than we remembered.

Does this teen take on the bard not fit in with the rest of the popular movies of the genre? What are your thoughts? Let us know!

Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter. Share and rate us here, iTunes, Google Play, your own personal blog. We’re not picky, we just want to get the word out.

WE’VE EXPANDED OUR EMPIRE!!! You can now find us on Sound Cloud, Spreaker, and Stitcher! Watch out, world!

And if you're thinking of trying a cayenne and lemon juice cleanse while wrapping your middle with saran wrap and sweating in a sauna because it was 80 degrees this week and bikini season is just around the corner: Don't. Save that Drama for us, the Drama Mamas.

Sarah Arp