The People vs Primer



The People vs Primer

Have you ever wanted to see two nerds discuss the intricacies and details of building a time machine? No? Really?! Oh, uh, well, you'll like about half of this movie, then.

We embark on our adventure with Abe and Aaron. The film tries to mislead by implying that Abe is our risk taker, and Aaron likes to play it safe. But there's a twist. Or two. Or three. Or the same twist with variation. Whatever. Shit gets twisted.

As Time Travel Experts, we have questions. Well-informed and critically thought out questions.

Just kidding. It's us. We don't know what the fuck we're talking about.

Did we misunderstand the rules of time travel in this universe? Are you, like the time whisperer and need to set us straight? We'd love to see you try.

Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter. Share and rate us here, iTunes, Google Play, your own personal blog. We’re not picky, we just want to get the word out.

WE’VE EXPANDED OUR EMPIRE!!! You can now find us on Sound Cloud, Spreaker, and Stitcher! Watch out, world!

And if you're thinking of tattooing the logo of your favorite beer on your arm because your Uncle Rick drunkenly told you that you can totally get free booze from the company for it, Don't. Save that Drama for us, The Drama Mamas.

Sarah Arp