The People vs T2

The People vs T2

Come with us if you want to live. Again. But it's different this time. Bad guys are good. Therapists are back from the dead, and Sarah Connor is no longer a wide-eyed ingenue.
She's a bad bitch, y'all.
We discuss special effects, improved acting, and a climax that just won't quit. Got an opinion? Share it! Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter. Share and rate us here, iTunes, Google Play, your own personal blog. We’re not picky, we just want to get the word out.

WE’VE EXPANDED OUR EMPIRE!!! You can now find us on Sound Cloud, Spreaker, and Stitcher! Watch out, world!

And if you're thinking of sending a machine that tried to kill your mom before you were born back in time to step dad you super hard even though you had to know your mom was gonna shit herself about it, Don't. Save that Drama for us, The Drama Mamas.

Sarah Arp