The People vs Fight Club

The People vs Fight Club

In which we do no talk about Fight Club.

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

Buckle up, it’s a wild ride. What’s not to love when Bellatrix Lestrange dates a schizo who leads a domestic terrorist group through an ultimately fruitless act of explosive destruction? There’s weird, blurry sex, bitch tits, Meatloaf, Jared Leto, hidden Starbucks, and (although I CANNOT believe we didn’t mention this) a flash of dick.

We salivate over Brad Pitt, because, well, Brad Pitt. We try to map the foreshadowing in this trippy David Fincher cult classic. We dive into the psychological complexities of Vickie wanting to be in Fight Club.

This is the final Cult Classics episode and you don’t want to miss it!

We’ll be covering Modern Shakespeare next, and we’re very excited to get started! We’re ironing out the episodes and order now, look for a list in your near future.

Reach us here,, or @dramamamaspod on Twitter.

Oh, yeah, we have a twitter. And we know how to use it. Kind of. In theory.

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Sarah Arp