The People vs The Princess Bride

The People vs The Princess Bride

In which we celebrate 30 years of Inconceivability. (That’s clever as shit)

Don’t let us confuse you, we speak for a bit on our indecision regarding Twitter. This was recorded weeks ago. We’re older now, wiser, more seasoned in the world of Social Media.

Just kidding, we have no idea what we’re doing, but we do have a Twitter. Follow us, laugh at our sad attempts to keep up with the times.

Now that we’ve posted the episode, we can tell you about our dreams of seeing #YaTrash #YaNasty in our Twitter feed. Or on Facebook. Or Tshirts. Everywhere, people. Listen and find out what it’s about. Link listed above.

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

Rate and Subscribe on Google Play or iTunes! 5 stars OR BUST!

Sarah Arp