The People vs King of Texas

The People vs King of Texas

Caution! Our podcast is chock full of spoilers!

In this modern-adjacent take on Shakespeare’s tragedy, King Lear, Sir Patrick Stewart is a wildly successful rancher with an Oprah complex when turning out his children. You get disowned, you get disowned, everybody gets disowned!!!

If you’re concerned that this cowboy tale isn’t Shakespearean enough for you, have no fear. There is plotting, there is madness, there is terrible, prideful, and unnecessarily cruel parenting. This tale is complex and intricate, leaving the Drama Mamas in a tangled mess trying to explain it all. It’s a good time.

What did you think of this story in this setting? Let us know!

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And if you’re thinking of skipping town, deleting all social media accounts in your name and taking on a stolen identity because when the waitress said, “Enjoy your meal,” you said, “You, too.” Don’t. Save that drama for us, the Drama Mamas.

Sarah Arp